Thursday, June 10

Anniversary Give-A-Way!

June 18th will be the FIRST ANNIVERSARY of my blog! To celebrate I am having a give-a-way!

My first post was about the dollhouse I found at a garage sale. It is slowly becoming my little dream beach house. :D

After just one year I have acquired not only that house but a conservatory addition, a kitty condo, a trailer, a general store that doesn't know what it wants to be (?) and my most recent find - another dollhouse!

Still looking for the perfect pink!

I still can't believe so many of you enjoy reading about my adventures in miniature! I love reading your comments and suggestions. You are all so helpful! I have received so many wonderful gifts too! Thank you so much!

If you are a follower, please take this little friendship award for your blog. Mini friends are the best of friends!

I love reading your blogs too! In fact, it's the first thing I do every morning and the last thing I do every night. No wonder I wake up dreaming of more minis!

Over the past year I have enjoyed trying so many different things. My favorites so far are making things with beads or shells, mini art and tropical plants.

I would like to learn to make clothes for my dolls, baskets and wicker and many, many more things that you have inspired me to try!
Thank YOU for making this year the best ever!

If you would like a chance to win my give-a-way, just leave a comment on THIS post. I will draw the winner on June 18th!



  1. I would like to take part of winning the giveaway. Your words seems coming deep of your heart ( please excuse my adventurous english )
    I am very touch of them.
    And your pink is very well.


  2. Congratulations with your anniversary, Kathi, it is allways a pleasure to visit your blog.
    Love, Susanne

  3. Congratulations Kathi, it's a pleasure to have follow your blog and enjoy watching your projects :) A give-away is always exciting - please count me in!

  4. Congratulations Kathi! Please count me in too!:)

  5. I just love blog giveaways.....Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more:)

    And I Loooove that pink beach house!!! I love anything pink!!


  6. Congrats on your anniversary. Also, if you want, go to Awesome tutorials on clothing dolls.


  7. Kathi, congratulations on your anniversary.
    Would you please count me in for your giveaway?

  8. Congratulation for anniversary and thanks for this give away! I love sea and I like your dolls house very much!

  9. Felicidades por tu aniversario.
    Es un placer pasear por tu blog y ver lo que disfrutas con las miniaturas.
    Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
    besitos ascension

  10. Congratulations, Kathi! It's been so fun to follow your mini adventures. Your creativity is so inspiring!

  11. Hi you I love reading blogs first thing and last of the day. I've enjoyed yours for most of the time you've had the blog.
    Congrats & keep up the enjoyable posts.
    hugs Karin

  12. Congratulations, Kathi! I love reading your blog. I am inspired every time. :)

    PS Could you please email me your last name so I can get that package in the mail to you?

  13. Congratulations on your blog anniversary :) And good to know I'm not the only one dreaming about mini things :D

    Please count me in to your giveaway :)


  14. Happy Anniversary Kathi!!! I have enjoyed watching you create minis for your house and I just love you and your blog- you are the sweetest! Please count me in on your give-away too :)

  15. Congratulations on your first year anniversary of blogging. It is mine too on the 11th and I am having a give away too ;0)
    Julia xx

  16. CONGRATULATIONS Kathi! One year is exciting! I have just started to blog about two months ago and really love it!! I would love to be a part of your giveaway!!

  17. Congratulations!
    I visit your site often and admire your work miniature. I hope I`m lucky.

  18. Congrats on your blog-versary! I'd love to join your giveaway. Keep having fun with your little house, Rosanna

  19. Congrats Kathy,your blog is a inspiration for me!
    This miniyear It was be great!Today is my first year too!! I hope to enjoy your work the next years. MIniregards,Sonia.

  20. Congratulations with the anniversary,please count me in on your give-away too
    groetjes Ingrid

  21. Congratulations Kathi! You know I really enjoy your blog and following your inspiration to reality. :) Please count me in.

  22. Hmmmm not sure why my first message didn't here it goes again...
    Congrats on your first year anniversary! You've done a wonderful job and it's such a pleasant visit every time I stop in! I'd love to join your giveaway....Please sign me up! My 4 year old granddaughter wanted to know about the fish....I showed her how to feed them and she had such a great time...she thought it was so cool! Jump over to my blog Kathi if you'd like and see her feeding them. Can you recognize the computer screen as your blog? LOL! It is!

  23. I love your shot there on that beautiful beach! Count me in, please, and thank you!!

  24. I am very impressed with your blog and would love to be considered for the giveaway. I love the things you create and I love your enthusiasm for your craft. Someday I hope to have enough time to have a blog of my own, but for now, I just live vicariously through the rest of you!

  25. Yay for giveaways! Congrats on your first year!!!! We love your blog!


  26. Happy Mini Anniversary!
    I really enjoy reading your blog. You are probably the most local blogger I follow. I love seeing the progress of all your minis and doll houses. Please sign me up for he giveaway.
    mini hugs,
    Anna in Georgia

  27. Congratulations Kathi!! I would love to join your give away, so please count me in.

  28. Congrats Kathi! I thought I commented yesterday, but evidently it didn't go through. Love your blog and read it all the time. I'm in!

  29. Congratulations!! And keep on creating! :-)

  30. Congradulations! What a blog you have!

  31. Hello Kathi, congratulations on your first anniversary!
    I follow your blog for some time and I am happy to see your success!
    count me too in your give away, please!
    kisses, Caterina

  32. Congratulations on such a productive year!
    Miniatures are a self generating addiction aren't they? I relate to your miniatures in the morning, miniatures in the evening and dreaming miniatures during the night!

  33. Hi Kathi,
    congratulations on your anniversary !!
    Our miniature world is wonderful.

  34. hello this is exciting...happy anniversary to you!

  35. WOW! So many wonderful comments! I can't wait to see who wins!
    I've been working on lots of little things today. Glad I have a few more days to finish! :D

  36. I would definitely love to be part of this! I love everything you've done in the house and all the cool beachy items you've done. :-D Count me in!

  37. Congratulations! I love your projects, especially the beach house. I´m sure it will be so beautiful...


  38. Thanks for a chance to win your yummy candy!
    sorry for my english
    un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa
    public on slidebar
    ti ho conosciuta per caso e sono diventata subito una tua fans, non so se posso partecipare ma sono comunque felice di averti conosciuta

  39. Happy Anniversary!!!
    Your blog is great and I love the pics on your beach house progress. =) Can't wait to see how the pink house turns out.

  40. Here I am!!!
    ANd I'm so happy to be here, believe me!!!
    A big hug
    A thanks also for the award....I love peanuts!!!

  41. How very first post was about the dollhouse I am trying to repair of my daughters. Sadly I havent gotten a thing done to it other than move it out for Christmas season and never brought it back in. Please enter me into your give-away and maybe my muse will come back!!! Everything you have done is lovely! Mini hugs Beth

  42. Found it--I would love to be entered in your anniversary drawing!


  43. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I was positive that I had responded to this as I would love to be entered into your giveaway but I thought that I would check to see if my name was there and it wasn't. So I hope I am not too late to enter for the giveaway. Congratulations on your first anniversary. I have really enjoyed following your blog.

  44. Happy anniversary! I would like to participate in the anniversary drawing. I think that your plants are fantastic! I would love to win them.
    Thanks, Marisa

  45. Kathi es un verdadero placer descubrir tu blog, veo que tenemos muchisimas cosas en comun.
    Muchisimas felicidades por tu aniversario!!!

  46. ¡Enhorabuena por el aniversario! no conocia tu blog pero me encantan tus trabajos la casa de la playa es preciosa.Si no te importa me encantaria participar en el sorteo, muchas gracias, saludos
