Monday, August 2

Dollhouse Mural

I may have told you before, but my mother was an artist. She really enjoyed going to art shows, collecting art and creating her own beautiful paintings. Mother had lots of "artsy" friends too. One of them was Phil Capen.

Phil's watercolors have been shown in some of the most prestigious galleries, public places and in private collections. He used to teach watercolor classes too. Mother took several of his classes and I remember her talking about him with the highest admiration. If you visit his website you can see some of his work.

I happened to find some note cards that mother bought at one of Phil's shows. They are a bit faded and worn around the edges but still beautiful. This one will become the mural for my beach house living room!

Here is what the wall looked like when I bought the house. I removed the wallpaper and painted but it still looked like it needed something special.

Here is what it will look like with the mural in place. I scanned the card then re-sized it to fit the space. I think it's going to look amazing?!

Right now it is just printed on paper and propped up so I could see how it might look.

I'm thinking about reworking the stairs and making an angle at the bottom with a landing. There is still much to do! I may add something under the stairs too? Like a built-in closet or something?

Hope you like my mural and perhaps find a treasure that you can use in YOUR dollhouse!


  1. Love the mural. I like the idea of a short switch-back on the bottom stairs...a a bit of interest to a plain staircase. And yes...something under the staircase to make it seem like it is not "floating" would be good. But you might have a space problem with the entrance door behind.

    This rehab is looking good!


  2. I love the mural! I like the landing idea on the staircase too. I didn't even think about the doorway under the stairs until Tabitha's comment- what if you did corner shelves under the stairs? I look forward to seeing this room come to life Kathi ♥

  3. El mural queda genial!!!
    Gracias por el enlace.
    Seguro que quedaria muy bien debajo de la escalera, alguna estanteria.
    Porque si lo cierras el espacio con una puerta te iria mal para la puerta de entrada.
    besitos ascension

  4. The mural looks beautiful and brings the room to life. What makes it even more special is the story behind it! Thank you for sharing it and the idea too.

  5. Un gran acierto ese cambio del apel por el mural.
    El cambio de escaleras te puede crear problemas con la puerta que tienes detrás. A lo mejor decorando esa escalera con algún detalle en los escalones, como velas o alguna figurita sería suficiente.
    Besos Clara

  6. Beautiful painting Kathi and it is perfect for a mural there.

    I love the idea of adding a turn to the bottom of the stairs.

    I think you could get away with narrow shelves under the stairway so long as you left space for the door to open.
