Tuesday, May 24


I haven't even finished the gifts for my 350 Followers Give-A-Way and now there are 400 Followers! Welcome! I hope you enjoy your visits here!

I decided to re-paint the bottom of the ponds after visiting Monet's Gallery website.

I had to rescue two fish from the first pond I made. Thankfully, they popped right out. Now I have two fish for each pond. I found a couple of little turtles too. :D

I've decided to make a base for each pond. This is a bamboo coaster that Cheryl sent to me while she lived in Hawaii. Cheryl is now enjoying her first grandchild in Florida. Congratulations Cheryl!

I think I'll change the color of the stones so they blend in with the bamboo better. I'm still making plants too. I may even add a bench or pergola for some dimension?

If I keep thinking of more things to add I may never get these finished! I hope my Pay It Forward partners are very patient! :D

Thanks for following along with this project. I hope you have a wonderful day!


  1. It's a lovely project and I love watching its progress.
    Congratulations for your 400 followers, and no wonder. Your blog is great.

  2. Wow! Your ponds are looking more lovely by the day. It's fun watching them transform from your idea to reality. :-)

  3. e brava........complimenti per i tuoi 400 io ho cominciato or il mio blog ne ho solo 3 ed ancora in costruzione il blog.piano piano buonissime giornate ERika

  4. Enhorabuena por tus seguidores, te los mereces por los preciosos trabajos que subes a tu blog.
    Los estanques te estan quedando genial.
    besitos ascension

  5. Kathy, I'm looking creation of ponds as a movie. They are great! Fish beautiful and my favorite turtle! This is a colossal effort!


  6. Your ponds are amazing!! It's been so fun to see the progress. I swear, you must be one of the most productive miniaturists in all of Bloglandia~ you're amazing!
