Wednesday, May 11

Quick Update

Dylan seems to be getting a little better. The steroids are working. He can stand up straight and even walk a few steps without falling over. His favorite thing to do, other than eat, is to sleep. :D

I'll take him back to the vet tomorrow. Hopefully, nothing else will need to be done for him. Thank you for all of your sweet comments and concern. {{HUGS}}

I'm back to work on Flor's little house. It's almost finished! I need to fix the doors, touch up here and there and then I can glue it together.

I also need to find the tiny hinges I bought a while ago. They could be anywhere?!!

Yes, that IS sand on my work table. Not sure how that got there???

I hope to have the house finished so I can mail it to Flor on Saturday. I'll be sure to post a photo before I do that.

Hope you have a great evening!


  1. Horray for Dylan! Get well soon!

  2. I'm so happy and relieved that poor Dylan is responding to treatment!

  3. Give Dylan a big hug from me ( hugs helps to recover)


  4. poor little thing, feed him some Green Beans that helped our Bella with her back issues

    Hugs to dylan
    Marisa :)

  5. I hope Dylan keeps feeling better Kathi- crossing my fingers it's good news tomorrow. Your little house is sooo cute! I love the new doors you have made for it :)

  6. Keeping my fingers crossed for Dylan!

  7. So glad your little dog is feeling better! The house is adorable! Flor is one lucky woman! :-)

  8. I am glad that the steroids are working!!
    And that Dylan can stand up and walk a little bit, good luck at the veternary.

    The little house for Flor is very lovely!

    Hugs Jollie

  9. ¡Que gusto saber que Dylan esta respondiendo a su tratamiento Kathi!!!Se ve tan lindo descansando..
    Un besito
