Monday, May 9

We Have A Winner!

I called my son, the Graduate, today and asked him to pick a number between 1 and 103! That's how many people entered to win my Follower's Give-A-Way!

Tim picked number 78. The winner is Flor from Flor & FF. Congratulations!!!

Flor has a wonderful blog! Please go visit and congratulate her. Her little house will be sent to her unfurnished, but Flor makes beautiful furniture! Go see! :D

I had hoped to post a photo of the completed house today but real life has gotten in the way. These are my two best friends. Dylan and Nugget.

I had to take my older dachshund Dylan, back to the vet this afternoon. They were boarded there this past weekend. Dylan seemed fine when I picked him up up this morning.

The news was not good. Dylan has a ruptured disc in his back. He can't walk without his back legs folding up underneath him. The vet told me that this usually happens when they jump but Dylan isn't a jumper. When he couldn't climb up the back stairs to get back inside I knew something was wrong. Then I saw that he was having trouble walking.

For now, it will be wait and see how he does with the steroids the doctor gave him. He is not allowed any exercise at all. I have to carry him everywhere and not let him try to walk.

Dachshunds are prone to back injuries and I feel so helpless. There is one veterinarian here in Birmingham who does back surgery on dachshunds. Sometimes he is able to save them. It is a very expensive procedure and there is no guarantee.

It saddens me to announce the the give-a-way winner and then follow that with this news.

As I am able, I will finish Flor's little house, post a photo and then send it on its way to Mexico!

Thanks to everyone who entered my give-a-way! I am so excited to see my follower's list grow and meet so many new miniaturists. WELCOME to my new friends and thank you to those who have been there from the beginning!

Please pray for my little friend and for me to have the peace to make the right decisions for him.


  1. Sending warm and gentle hugs to your ailing puppy. :[

  2. I'm sending little prayers to you and your puppy!

  3. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Congratulations to Flor yayyyyyyyyy :D ......(((hugs))) for Dylan for a speedy recovery or at least a pain free life :) Linda x

  4. Kathi, I have no doubt that you will make the right decisions for Dylan. I am hoping and praying for him and you.


  6. Congratulations Flor!
    Kathy, I'm sorry your friend. Suppose he is recovering and is running.

  7. Congratulations Flor. I am very happy for you.
    Thank you Kathi for giving us the chance to participate in this wonderful giveaway.

  8. oh Kathi- my heart aches for you and Dylan both. I will keep you both in my prayers-our pups are part of our family so I know you are suffering right now along with him. Sending you both lots of love ♥

  9. Me alegro mucho por Flor, se lo merece, felicidades y gracias por dejarnos participar, un beso.

  10. I hope Dylan don`t have to much pain now. It`s a big dicision you have to make. I had a dachs many years ago, they are my favorite dog.
    Congratulation to Flor!

  11. Congratulations to Flor. :) My heart goes out to you and your dog they become so much a part of the family. Hugs and i hope all will be well

  12. Siento mucho lo de tu perrito Dylan, espero que mejore con el tratamiento.
    Enhorabuena por tus seguidores.
    Felicitaciones a Flor.
    Y gracias a ti por tu generosidad.
    besitos ascension

  13. Seguro que decidiras bien.
    Felicidades a Flor.


  14. Kathi Primero que nada , espero que Dylan este muy bien pronto , y seguramente lo que suceda sera pensado por el bien de él... Es muy triste cuando un ser que queremos se enferma , y nuestros cachorros se convierte en un ♥ muy grande para nosotros...¡Animo Kathi!!!!
    Por favor no te preocupes en terminarla ahora , cuando puedas estará perfecto, lo bueno que tuve la fortuna de ganarla ¡Woow!!! Sigo sin poder creerlo ¡Estoy muy , muy feliz!! por ese regalo tan , pero tan precioso ¡Miiiiil gracias Kathi y claro a la buena decisión de Tim por elegir el número 78 Jejejejeje ¡Que gusto!!!!!Y afortunada me siento ( = ¡Un relago hermoso para hoy 10 de mayo ¡Día de las madres en México!!!
    Muchísimas gracias a las personas que se alegraron por mí!!! ¡Muak!!!!
    Un abrazo gigante ( =

  15. So sorry about your little dog, Kathi. I raised a few myself and I know how deeply we grow to love them. They become like a part of us. My prayers are with you and Dylan.

  16. ¡Hola kathi!!
    ¿Como sigue Dylan? Espero que mejor...
    Un besito

  17. You can do for a ruptured disc in your dog the fix I have done for my back and our dogs back too.
    Many years ago a chiropracter told me to take the mineral manganese, it strengthens the fibrous tissue that holds the disc in place, this keeps it from pushing on the nerve. One needs to take it everyday for 3 to 4 weeks to see a real difference. But it is a miracle mineral, I was pain free for the first time in years.

    For your little dog a 10 mg tablet should be about right. To get our dog to take the tablet I swipe it in a bit of soft butter. The dog thinks it is a great treat and the oily butter helps the pill slide on down the throat.

  18. Congratulations to Flor, she is so lucky :)

    Kathi I am so sorry to read that Dylan has a problem with his back and can't walk. I hope that he will be feeling better soon!

    Hugs Jollie
