Tuesday, November 8

My Favorite Minis

I couldn't wait to place some of my favorite minis in the kitchen. :D

The little blue glass blender was one of the first miniatures I purchased. It's fun to finally see it in the kitchen! I love the coffee cup with my name on it too.

IF I can get my printer working again, I'm going to make a decal for the dishwasher door and those mixology books I mentioned earlier. I still need to finish the sink cabinet and add the faucets and counter top. I used "Elmer's Stix All" glue for the tiles on the backsplash.

I'm excited to see how many of you have signed up for my Follower's Give-A-Way! I've ordered a few more supplies and then I can get to work on your gift. I will post a photo of it when I'm finished.

Hope you have a happy day! It's absolutely beautiful here in Birmingham today. Blue sky, warm temperature and the fall leaves are breathtaking!


  1. I can never wait to start playing either. It is coming along beautifully/

  2. Your kitchen is great. I love the tiles.
    Hugs Maria

  3. I love the flamingo disposable towl holder

  4. It's looking good, Kathi. I think you did marvels with what little space you had and that's not easy to do. I love your little mug!
