I've been wanting to do this for a long time! If you would like a chance to win this sight unseen gift, just comment on this post!
Here are the rules. You must be a follower of Beautiful Mini Blessings and you must have a blog of your own. One entry per person please.
I will draw the winning name on Sunday, November 20th. Thank you so much for reading my blog and for all of your wonderful comments! I really appreciate each and every one of you!
I can't wait to see who wins!

Kathi, look at the materials and I understand that gift will be stunningly beautiful! I very much want to win it! Link on the giveaway posted on the right.
How fun! I am intrigued at what you have up your sleeve! Count me in!!
How exciting
count me in please
I would love to be entered. My blog is fairly new, you can check it out at mymiinilife.blogspot.com, please check it out if you get a chance
Please add me to your give away, what fun, can't wait to see what you make.
Que emocionante!! Que será??
Me gustaría participar y lo llevo a mi blog.
Besitos Cote
the material looks very promising, please count me in for your give away
I would love to participate. Congratulations on all of the followers!
Oh my.. What awesome giveaway you have !! ^^
Oooh..I'd SO MUCH want to win this!
Please, please do count me in =0}
(I'll put a link to my blog's sidebar)
MiniHugs, Irina
Please, count me in your giveaway. I put the link on my blog.
Bye Faby
ohhh, I can't wait to find out what you make! Definately count me in :)
Hola Kathi, felicitaciones por tus seguidores, me gustaría poder participar en tu sorteo, tengo el estanque hecho por ti y sé que sea lo que sea lo que hagas, seré una maravilla.
Lo anuncio en mi blog
Un abrazo
Me apunto. Seguro que hace algo precioso.
Congratulations on your 450 followers!
Please count me in your surprise giveaway!
Congratulations on 450 followers. Please count me in your giveaway. Surprises are so exciting :)
Hugs Maria
Kathi, enhorabuena por tantos seguidores, tu blog se los merece. Me encantará partticipar en el sorteo. Y cuelgo la noticia en mi blog. Besos.
Thank you for organizing this giveaway!
I wonder what it will be...
Please count me in!
Congratulations, Kathi! Please enter me in your give-a-way drawing. I'm anxious to see what beautiful thing you will create. :)
felicidades por los seguidores, cuenta conmigo, por favor...me encantará participar
Can't wait to see your prize, Kathi! Congrats on 450 Followers and please count me in too:)
Kathi me encantan las sorpresas, cuenta conmigo, gracias por esta oportunidad
I can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve! Congratulations on your 450 followers! Your blog is such an inspiration!
Congrats on your followers! I'm sure whatever you make will be just wonderful!
Hola Kathi ¡¡¡ ummmm que será ?? es igual porque estoy segura que nos sorprenderás una vez más ¡¡¡¡¡ por favor cuenta conmigo¡¡ un saludo, Angeles .
tienes un blog precioso,felicidades.Me gustaria participar en tu sorteo.
Congratulations on 450 followers! Please count me in on your giveaway. I think I know what you're making, and I am thrilled! I'll put a link on my blog now!
Count me in... I know it will be beautiful! CreativeMeAndLife.blogspot.com
Please sign me up Kathi for your giveaway. I can't imagine what you'll be making with all that but I know it'll be awesome!
Congrets with your 450 followers! I am so curious what you gonna make, please count me in too.
I will put a link on my blog.
Count me in, Kathi! I love what you do with minis!
I love mysteries, please enter me in your giveaway.
Kathi I would love to enter your giveaway and I can tell by the items that its going to be shiny and pretty!! Can't wait to see what it is, thanks again for the chance.
I am a follower, I have a blog, and I love surprises, so count me in!!
Me encantara participar, seguro que tu regalo sorpresa sera precioso.
Subo el aviso a mi blog.
besitos ascension
Yay! Kathi's having a giveaway! Please include me!
Count me in.
I am intrigued. Please count me in.
Woo hoo! Count me in! :D
Please count me in for your suprise giveaway!
Hola, me encantaria participar en tu sorteo, felicidades por tantos seguidores, el regalo es precioso y muy util, ahora lo pongo en mi blog, pasate que tambien estoy de sorteo, besos.
fantastico el trabajo que haces y seria un placer tener algo tuyo. cuenta conmigo y felicidades
saludos desde mex.
I wonder what you might make! Please count me in your giveaway.
I like to join in your giveaway, thanks.
Congratulations for your followers.
Hi Kathi, I would like to participate too. Thank you for the chance! I can't wait to see what it is!:)
Please count me in. :) So many followers, congratulation! Materials looks very wonderful!
Hi Kathi, I was nearly missing it!
Too busy lately. Thank you in advance and congrats on your late works, I love how youdo things: the dishwasher is sooooo clever. Minihugs Rosanna
What a wonderful way to celebrate! Count me in too.
me encantaria participar ...gracias por tu generosidad,no tengo blog,mi correo mercedesmayo61@yahoo.es
I wish I wish I wish!! Please count me in!!!
Partecipo con piacere a questo giveaway che mi sembra bellissimo!!!
Surprise, surprise, surprise. I love surprises. Let me be a part of your lovely giveaway. I'm your follower for a long time and put a link to my blog.
Hugs from Craftland
Congratulations Kathi. I would love to take part in your surprise giveaway. I am sure whatever you create from those supplies will be stunningly beautiful.
Congrats on your followers Kathi!!! I'd love to participate in your giveaway please,best miniregards.
Congratulations on your 450 followers!
Please count me in your giveaway. I´m crossing fingers.
Felicidades por tus seguidores ,,me encantaria participar ,,besoss
450 Wow Ben nieuwschierig wat het word, schrijf me in aub.
sea lo que sea ,viniendo de ti sera precioso por favor apuntame besossssss
I'm curious to see what you create with those materials, it is sure to be something lovely.
Anything you create will be wonderful! Please include me.
I really want to participate in this draw. Please count me in!
I'll love to participate.
Kathi, I would be thrilled to win any little thing that you make. Please count me in your give-away.
This is a intrigated giveaway. Please, count on me for your surprise. Kisses
Me encantaría participar, me lo llevo a mi blog
Thanks for a chance to win your yummy blog candy!
spero di vincere un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa
public slidebar on http://kreattiva.blogspot.com/
i am old follower
blog creativo: http://kreattiva.blogspot.com/
Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo si aún llego a tiempo.
No conocía tu blog. Acabo de entrar y me ha encantado. Ya me tienes como seguidora.
Me encantaría entrar en el sorteo, me imagino que por la aceptación que tiene que será algo precioso. Gracias.
Felicidades por tus seguidores, me gustaría participar en tu sorteo, el regalo es ideal.Subo el aviso a mi blog. Besos.
Please sign me up, and congratulations on your 450 followers.
I was able to figure out with help from a blogger friend how to add you on my gadgets!
Kathi me encantaria participar.
Subo el aviso a mi blog.
besitos ascension
It doesn't surprise me in the least bit that you have so many followers! They all love hearing what you have to say as much as I do! Seriously I love to read what you're up to and you're so generous with your ideas and methods of making minis! Thank you for all you do!
And by all means sign me up please! The gifts are beautiful! I'm hoping to be a lucky duck!
Hola Kathi, acabo de conocer tu blog y me encantaria participar en tu sorteo. Mi correo es pequenati@msn.com, siento no tener blog para poder publicar tu sorteo.
PD: yo también soy enfermera aqui en España.
Saludos y gracias de antemano por la oportunidad de participar.
hola estoy mirando tu paguina y me di cuenta q estas haciendo un sorteo me podes anotar gracias
Enhorabuena por tantos seguidores¡¡¡ es maravilloso, verdad???
Por favor me gustaria que me dejaras participar en tu regalo-sorteo, es especialmente bonito, tan dulce.
Yo tambien estoy de sorteo por si te apetece participar.
Un beso
It's time to announce the WINNER! Thanks to everyone who has entered!
I really appreciate all of your very sweet comments!
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