Tuesday, June 19

Pens Etc.

First you have to see what you have. Then you need to figure out what to do with them.  These options are NOT working for me!

These may not be all of the pens and pencils I have.  There may be more that have fallen behind the bookcase where I kept them?

Then there are my craft sticks in various cups. They take up too much table and shelf space. I need a better solution for these too.

My Michael's revolving storage won't revolve because there is too much stuff around it!  I'm planning to just keep my scissors and tools in here.  Taking the pens out of this has helped.

Now.  What to do with all of those pens and sticks?  I found this great solution at CreativeCricket.blogspot.com.  Her Grandfather helped her make this with PVC pipe. Love it!

I have a mailing tube that is 2 inches in diameter.  No need to go buy PVC pipe.  :D

The end of this bookshelf is within reach of my table. It is about the only flat surface I have left around here!  Watch this space.

Getting my wood organized has inspired me to keep working on my workroom.  I'm trying to find a place for everything.  I have a new motto: "If you don't need this today, put it away!"  We'll see if I can stick to that?

If you want more great solutions for cleaning up, check out Jennifer's blog, Quarter Space. Thanks Jennifer!  Your recent posts are JUST what I need!  :D

Thanks to everyone who has signed up for my give-a-way. You still have time to enter!

Hope you have a nice day!


  1. Que buena idea,esta genial!!!un abrazo.Rosa.

  2. You are ahead of the game! One of the ideas for throwing away 23 things is to go through your pens to see which ones don't work. Good job!

  3. Good luck with your new motto..
