Wednesday, June 20

Pencil Cups

I've been playing with some ideas for the pencil, pen and craft stick holder that I want to hang on the wall.

This one is made with a cardboard mailing tube cut at a 60 degree angle.  Simple. Wouldn't take long to finish these.

I made this one with tongue depressors aka jumbo craft sticks. Making 12 of these would take forever!

I would really like to come up with something that would hold a cup that could be removed when I wanted to use just the things that were inside it.  I'm still thinking about that ...

Hope your day is a happy one!


  1. How about making a shallow ledge - like a picture ledge - that has holes in it big enough to slip some plastic cups in?

  2. Good idea Mod. I can't figure out how I would cut the holes in the wood? Guess I could use foam core? Hmmm...

  3. Happy thinking, Kathy! Sorry, I can't concentrate in this heat. It's 44 Celsius in Ottawa today. We're going through a heat wave.
