Thursday, June 21

Trying To Contain Myself

I found some cute white plastic cups and baskets at CVS yesterday. I bought all they had, but I think I need more...

I'm still undecided about where to put these? This might work?

I really don't want to spend too much time making a place for them. I have LOTS of other things to do!

I really want to get back to work on the coffee shop. Right now I can hardly find the things I need to continue. Plus, there is NO SPACE TO WORK!

Just looking at this mess makes me want to crawl back into bed...


  1. Kathi, If it makes you feel any better, my workroom is way worse than yours right now. I have to jump over things and move other things around to get where I want to go. Shall we have a cleaning party?LOL

  2. Thanks Casey. I don't know how you manage to get so much accomplished.
    I seem to spend more time moving things out of the way than making things!

  3. oh honey your space looks clean compared to mine, I'm so overrun that I'm working on the kitchen table.

    Marisa :)

  4. Don't give up, Kathi. If you get everything organized, you'll have everything at your disposal and you'll be able to work efficiently because you'll know where everything is. Just keep going. It's time well spent. You're so lucky to have such a big space to work in.

  5. looking at your work room, makes me laugh, every night I have to tidy up so the next day i can start again, I seem to spend a loy of time making a mess, good luck on your clearing up
