Sunday, March 27

True Blue

Yesterday I poured some navy blue paint into a bowl of white primer. I mixed it up and painted one light coat over the red on the garage. Quite by accident, I think I've found the perfect finish! It looks a bit weathered, but not so much as to upset Grandma.

I decided the lantern I made from the wooden fan will look better on my modern house. To me, it is too "oriental" for the garage.

So, I set about designing and making this little gooseneck light. It's not quite finished. I may paint it red or try a galvanized look? It is also looking a bit too large. Time to use the Miniature Scale Calculator again! These lamps are my inspiration.

I love my little LEDs. No transformer, no tape wire, no plugs. Just a battery with a switch to turn them on and off.

I'm still thinking about the shop light. Well actually, I got distracted. I may get back to that later today?

Hope you have a beautiful day!


  1. A stroke of luck with the paint! I agree with you about light, this new one is perfect for this setting. And how funny that this type of light is called a gooseneck - I've never heard that expression before.

  2. Love the blue, it's perfect! the new lamp is just the right thing for the garage. Rosanna

  3. A close up shows the perfect finish! Isn't it amamzing these things sometimes just happened? As for the outdoor light, I'd go with weathered, no matter what color you ultimatley choose for it, make sure it looks like it's been out there a loong time, under many conditions.

    Wow! As I ws typing, I noticed the link to the side of your blog for "Ask Tabitha"...Thank you so much for that!!

  4. The colour really looks lovely! I'm enjoying watching all the work you're doing on this kit :)

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