I used painted coffee filters but I think my handy dandy table paper will look better. It's thinner and perhaps I can get a better effect with that? Bougainvillea petals are very transparent. That's what makes them so beautiful.

Hope you have a good night!

I think it's looking good! :)
It's looking great, but now you made me realize that I'll be needing one also in my Toscana houses garden... I don't even want to think how long it's going to take to make!
The flowers looking good, good luck with the others. This is a job for people with patience :-))
groetjes Ingrid
Hi Kathi, I hope the information I sent you is helpful. I will try to take some photos of the branches I have made today and send. If this works out, perhaps I'll making a blog posting about it as it is a very pretty (and unusual!) plant. I do think the exam table paper would work when painted... except that sometimes it has a tendency to disintagrate when wet. The coffee filters work, too.
Anxious to see how this works for you.
Thank you SO much Susan for your detailed instructions! I was having trouble with the plain wire stems. I couldn't find any paper covered wire either. I'll try the floss and tissue paper idea. Can't wait to see photos of your work! This is a real challenge!
A mi me parece que te estan quedando muy bien.
Yo hice una buganvilla para un jardin de bebes y me costo muchisimo hacer, buena suerte y paciencia
besitos ascension
Kathi- this is going to look so wonderful- all the work will be well worth it I think! Beautiful so far!
Kathi, if you can't find a three petal punch, look for a four or five. I made bougainvillas a few years ago and had the same problem....I simply used a five petal punch and cut the two leaves that I didn't need away. when you bring the edges together, you automatically have the right shape. Works like a charm!
Thanks Casey! Why didn't I think of that?! I have a five petal punch. Sure will be easier than cutting all of those little petals!
Do you have a photo of your bougainvillea??
Would LOVE to see it!
Kathi, there are a couple of pictures on my blog of that flower. Actually, the top colored part is just colored leaves on the plant, the flower is a tiny little part. Take a peek, they are purple and there are two pictures which you can click on and enlarge twice. Hope this helps. :)
Kathi, igual llego tarde pero por si te sirve de ayuda mi amiga May http://maytecles.blogspot.com/, ha hecho un tutorial de una buganvilla.
besitos ascension
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