Now I have to admit it. I am certifiably, card carrying, CRAZY!
ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
certifiable - fit to be certified as insane (and treated accordingly)
insane - afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement; "was declared insane"; "insane laughter"
certifiable - capable of being guaranteed or certified; "a certifiable fact"
certified - endorsed authoritatively as having met certain requirements!
certifiable - fit to be certified as insane (and treated accordingly)
insane - afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement; "was declared insane"; "insane laughter"
certifiable - capable of being guaranteed or certified; "a certifiable fact"
certified - endorsed authoritatively as having met certain requirements!
But, it is so worth it! :)
That makes all of us who make tiny miniatures crazy too! Well done with the blind, it looks good.
Madre mía, pedazo persiana, me has dejado sin palabras.
Oh Kathi, it's amazing!
Good grief! You must have fingers as skinny as chopsticks to do something so intricate! Mucho impressive. Love your bamboo blind too.
You have a beautiful, brilliant smile. :D Have a wonderful weekend!
Looks great! where are you going to place it ?
I was just playing here. I guess I could use this blind in my 1/2 scale house? I'm NOT fond of mini blinds! Making this one confirmed that. :D
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