I have long admired the modern miniaturists I follow. I love how they set up such creative scenes with their miniatures. Just for fun, I thought I would try one myself.
I won't tell you how long it took me to do this! I gathered things, moved them around, edited here and there... I must have taken 50 photos before I finally got one that is sort of in focus! Time having fun is time well spent, right? :D
Credits: 1978 vintage Fisher Price kitchen and dining set from Ebay. I believe it is 1/24 scale? Casey sent me the "trash can." I made the placemats with a paper punch and the oranges with polymer clay. I had the wooden blocks, fabric "tile" and glasses. The coffee grinder is another Ebay find that I plan to use in my coffee shop.
I used the box from my Yellow Box sandals for the background. I love their sandals! I have two pair (so far). They are so comfortable! I think I'll get these next? :D

Hope you have great day! I'm still working on the coffee shop furniture. Waiting for paint to dry etc....
Very cute! I grew up surrounded with miniatures because it was my mom who collected! She has a lot of houses full of miniatures! Patsy from
Te ha quedado muy chula esa escena!!
I can imagine how long it took! My bakery is been on going since last year......and I'm still not even half done!! Looks fantastic!
This room is wonderful. I like the floor.
Happy Easter to you and your family.
Bye Faby
Es escena es un pequeña maravilla.
Me encanta el color y cada uno de los detalles que has puesto.
besitos ascension
Cute little kitchen, Kathi! I love the floor and your little paper place mats are so sweet!
How funny, I have that same set of furniture. It was the right scale of furniture to use with my Star Wars people!
Very nice scene, I love the tiles. I'm very disorganized, I can never find the pieces I'm looking for when I try to put ac scene together.
Lovely scene and i love the dinning table and chairs.I wish you a Happy Easter.
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