My give-a-way gift will be the Mini Town Loft Kit from Miniatures.com. No surprise, right? I hope you don't mind hand-me-downs! :D
This is your chance to build your own loft and maybe even have time to enter the contest?
This photo idea from Miniatures.com
Just comment on THIS POST before Sunday, April 1st for a chance to win this great kit! I will carefully repack the complete kit with instructions and send it off to the winner. I would love to see what you do with it!
Thanks again for following my blog. Don't forget to comment here to win! :D
Kathi, I congratulate you with 500 followers! Your blog is very interesting! I wish you 1000 followers!
The Mini Town Loft Kit is very beautiful. Thanks for the chance of winning!
Congrats on 500. I'd love to join your giveaway list :) Thanks for all the helpful hints and sharing your fun to watch projects!
WOW 500!?! Congratulations!! I really like your blog, you always giving me great ideas. I'd adore joining your giveaway list.. Kisses!
.ñ-´¡¡ jajaja es una puntada de mi perro que como yo tambien quiere participar en tu precioso sorteo¡¡¡¡ felicidades por tus mas de 500 ¡¡¡ un beso muy grande ¡¡ Angeles ¡
Hola Kathy, sin duda 501 es un número muy, muy grande! Felicitaciones
Me podrías anotar por favor a tu sorteo? el premio es MARAVILLOSO.
Lo anuncio en mi blog
Un abrazo
Felicidades por tus mas de 500 seguidores.
Menudo regalazo como no participar, si me lo permites me encantaria, subo el enlace a mi blog
Un abrazo
Kathi, congratulations on the 500!! Please don't inter me in the contest. I have too many un done kits already. I just wanted to wish you well towards another 500!Your blog is always a joy to read.
Oooh...I was planning to get one of these. :D Thank for everything you do!
Felicidades por tus primeros 500 seguidores, el premio es fantástico , me encantaría participar en tu sorteo, gracias, un abrazo Ana (mucuy) acamarah.50@gmail.com
Congratulations to your 500 followers. Your blog and your giveaway are fantastic. Please count me in.
Hugs from Craftland
Congratulations on 500 followers, Kathi!!! Wow! What a fantastic prize! I've been eyeing this kit too! Thanks for the great opportunity--my fingers are crossed! :-) Jennifer
Congratulations for your 500 followers!
Your giveaway is wonderful. Please count me in. I'll put a link on the sidebar of my blog.
Thanks and a hug
Congratulations on your 500 followers!
An interesting giveaway! Please count me in!
Oh please count me in!!! 500 followers is quite a milestone and your blog is always a pleasure to read. :) I will put a link on my blog for your giveaway as well. :-D
Congrats on 500, I'm not surprised, I always look forward to see what you will be up to next. What a generous give-away but please don't enter me, I already have my kit. I may copy you and copy the kit with some changes for a later project.
Count me in! This could be exactly the project I could work on - even though I've got a newborn :-)
Congratulations on your 500 followers!
The kit is fabulous and you're very generous.
I put the link on my blog.
Bye Faby
Congratulations on 500! I love following your blog. What a generous giveaway. I hope you count me in. Thank you!
Congrats to you Kathi! :D
Thanks for the opportunity to win your give-away-gift! :) and of cause, blessing the winner with such a beautiful gift - the kit for Mini Town Loft! :)
Last but not least, your website has always been a great inspiration for me, thank you once again!
Blessed week to you ahead!
Shannie Ong :)
Congratulations on your 500 followers!
What a gorgeous give away!!
I would love to participate, please count me in?
(I have put a link to your post in my blog menu)
Hugs Jollie
Congratulations on your 500 followers. I would love to take part in your very generous giveaway x
WOW! Congratuations on your 500 followers! What a nice give-away. Please count me in! :)
quieres contar conmigo? lo subo a mi blog ( que también está de sorteos....)
Felicidades por esos 500 seguidores
Geweldig 500 volgers, je blog en je giveaway zijn fantasties schrijf me in asjeblief bedankt.
groetjes doortje
Yes, I would love to win that!!! Congratulations on your 500 followers. Would you please, please enter my name in the draw?
Congratulations on your 500 followers!
I'd LOVE to take part in your awesome giveaway - so I hope you count me in (^^)
MiniHugs, Irina
Kathi, congratulations on your 500!! followers! Your have a generous give away! The Mini Town Loft Kit is wonderful! I thank your for all the help and tips you share to all of us on your blog. Please count me in. I keep my fingers crossed ;) Ilona
Congratulations on hitting the 500 mark. Impressive!
Wow congratulations on 500 followers and thanks so much for the fantastic opertunity to win your giveaway
Congrats on 500 followers!!
Please count me in your giveaway. The mini loft kit is beautiful
Felicidades por tus 500 seguidores,estaré encantada de participar en tu fantástico sorteo, pongo el anuncio en mi blog :)
Enhorabuena,por ese fantástico número de seguidores.
Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo. por supuesto cuelgo la noticia en mi blog.
Hello! With joy and hope are entered on the list. Hugs!
CONGRATULATIONS!! good number 500 followers. Thands for the chance to participate in your wonderfull giveaway. Please count me in. Kisses
This would be perfect for my grandaughter's bachelor pad. Thanks for the opportunity.
Congratulations, Kathi! I'd love to enter your give-away.
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers. I love reading your site and seeing what neat and interesting things you come up with. I would love to join the give away.
Congratulations on 500 followers Kathi! I would love to win this as I have wanted it ever since you posted about it on your previous blog! Good luck to everyone. Jazzi
Wow congratulations. I am one of your recent followers. I am facinated with miniatures and have dabbled before. Not sure if I qualify to win as I am in Australia (so hard to be part of miniature hobbying here) but I love your blog so will keep checking in.
@ Bits 'n Bobs
Hi Kathi, I just love your blog and your ideas and I read it since a couple of years I guess. Always apprechiate your comments on my blog.
I asked myself if I should buy these kit, so now the luck will show me, if it is for me or not.
Blessings to you!
Che bel giveaway!!! Spero di poter partecipare! Mi piace molto il tuo blog sarò felice di seguirti!
Congratulations! 500 is such a lofty milestone...I'm glad to be a part of it even if I clicked in right at number 5-oh-oh. *smiles* Mind hand me downs? Not when its the modern Mini Town Loft Kit and you've barely touched it.
Hola Kathi, felicidades por tus mas de 5oo seguidores!! me gustaria participar en tu sorteo, te anuncio en mi blog.
Besos de las Malu´s
congrats on your 500, I would love to enter.
Hi Kathi,
I congratulate <500>!!! I'm one of them:)
This kit is absolutely fabulous,
I would like to win it :)
Congrets with your 500 followers, more now! So generous of you to have this give-away, i would love to participate.
I will put it on the sidebar of my blog.
Enhorabuena por tus seguidores, no me extraña que tengas tantos es siempre un placer visitarte porque te vas con ideas nuevas y originales.
Me encantaria participar.
Subo el aviso a mi blog.
besitos ascension
Congratulations, Kathi! :)
Please count me in and thank you so much for the opportunity! :)
Hi Kathi,
Count me in for the give-away.
This is so generous of you! pls count me in!
Congratulations on 500 followers. No surprise that you have this many and will have many more you have a wonderful blog. Please count me in your giveaway. I post the link on my blog.
Hugs Maria
Wow! What a generous give-away! I'd love to be included please! I've been looking at the contest and the kit was sold out at when I went to buy it. I'm not surprised that you have 500 followers, you have a wonderful blog. Hugs, Sandie
lo primero felicitarte por tantos seguidores, madre mía cuantos.
Y luego que me encantaría participar en tu sorteo
Felicidades por tus mas de 500 seguidores, me encantaria participar en tu sorteo, es precioso, lo pongo en mi blog, gracias y besos.
Congratulations Kathi! Please enter me in your giveaway I would love to win your kit.
i've been reading your posts in my feed reader for some time now. i love it! thanks for constantly inspiring.
Congratulations on your 500 followers! Thank you so much for organizing this great and interesting giveaway, you're very generous.
Please count me in!
Congratulazioni per i 500 followers!!!! Partecipo con grande piacere al tuo giveaway fantastico!!!
Congratulations on 500 (+9)! Great blog!
500! Yeah for you! Congrats!
Wow 500 followers! Congrats, your blog tips and inspirations help me in times of mini block! Can't wait to see hour your build turns out.
Good luck everyone!
Hi! I'm a new follower from Italy. Please count me in! :)
Congrats for your 500 followers!
My blog: http://sognatriceabordo.blogspot.it/
Witam z Polski, ten zestaw jest cudowny, gratuluje 500 obserwatorów,jestea kolejnym z nich:)
Please, count me in!
I put your banner on my blog!
Hi! I just found my way to your lovely blog :) Congratulations on your 500 followers! Your giwe-away looks amazing. You can count me in :)
hola felicidades x tus mas de 500 seguidores me encanta tu blog me anoto para el sorteo te dejo mi correo es liliam1961@hotmail.com un abrazo y gracias
Felicidades por tantos seguidores!!! me encantaria participar en tu sorteo, es precioso, me apuntas? voy a subir el anuncio a mi blog. Un abrazo Teresa
congratulations on your 500 followers! your giveaway is fantastic! I put the link on my blog, thank you!
Congratulations your blog is very interessting, count me in your giveaway. Kisses
congratulations, please count me in, would love this x
felicitacione por los 500 seguidores !! Yo recien empiezo, asi que tengo mucho por aprender. Me encantaria participar de tu sorteo. Gracias !:)LO subo a mi blog
Congratulations on 500 followers. You are an inspiration. Wow, look at all the comments. Thanks so much for giving this away. What generosity!!
Kathi muchas felicidades por los 500 seguidores, tienes un blog muy lindo.
Me apuntas en el sorteo?
muchas gracias, te llevo a mi blog,
Hi Kathi!
Congratulations on such a huge number of followers :) !
Jus joined in and added one more.. :)!
IYou have a very interesting and beautiful blog. And also: You have a very generous Giveaway. I would love to join in. Please count me in. I alreadey added the link about this giveaway to my blog.
I also have a small giveaway in my bolg, you are wellcome to join it!
Congrats! Your blog is lovely! I would love to participate, too!
Congrats on 500.
Your giveaway is so delicious! My mother, with such generosity, thanks!
many of us to participate and I doubt to be successful, but in all cases, please enter me in your list also.
thank you!
felicidades!! 500... wow cuenta por favor conmigo para tu sorteo, gracias y saludos :)
Congratulations with your more than 500 followers!!!
I love the kit, so lease count me in for this give-away!
Congratulations to the fans! I would like to participate, I will put on my blog entry.
congratulations, really like your blog,is very beautiful
hola, felicidades por tus seguidores, que maravilla de sorteo me gustaría participas, me apuntas?
No conocía tu blog y ya me he hecho seguidora, no me extraña que tengas ya 500 porque tu blog es genial y tus casas impresionantes, me gustaría apuntarme a tu sorteo,llevo el enlace a mi blog.Un beso
Kathi, Congratulations for your followers.
Me encantaria tener la oportunidad de participar en tu sorteo y quizas ¿¿poder montar ese maravilloso kit??
I can see why you have a huge list of followers. I am new to your blog, but already love it! Keep up the good work.
Congratulation to your many followers
I want to participate your fine give-away
I put a link on my blog
Congratulations on 500 followers!What a great giveaway - thank you!~
Congratulations on 500 followers! This is a great giveaway - I'd be so excited to win. Good luck everyone!
Congratulations on the 500, I wish I had close to that, its so exciting.
I love your site, you definitely deserve more members!!
500 loyal followers is a great acheivement Kathi. And your projects are just delightful.
have been waiting to get one of these Lofts since they were first announced. they sold out the first lot of 300 on back-orders and I am waiting on the next shipment to come in. I already have all the fit-out ready to go just waiting on the dwelling.
Keep up the good work - you are inspirational.
congratulazione per questo tuo bel traguardo e ti auguro ancora tantissimi fans saluti dall'italia rosa.kreattiva
Wonderful gift! I Interested in participating in the lottery! I hope not too late :) I take my blog the link.
Hola!! Enhorabuena por tus 5oo seguidores!! Me apuntas en tu sorteo? que casi se me pasa. Lo subo a mi blog ah y gracias por sortear esta maravilla. Besos!!
Congratulations on your 525 followers. I do not wonder the high numbers as your blog is very interesting. I would love to have a chance of winning that beautiful kit.
Am I still in time?! I try! Congratulations on your blog! :-)
Me apunto!!!!
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