My inspiration photo is on the right.

I could just buy some colorful beads, like these, from Fire Mountain Gems. I really don't need to BUY MORE BEADS!
What I DO need to figure out is how to fill the holes. Then I will need to paint on stripes and add numbers. Now that I'm taking a closer look, six of mine should be white first. Time to start over. Try clay? Get a life?!!
I'm trying different glues for the pool table fabric. They all look about the same on the right side but I think the fabric glue might work best? I haven't tried spray on adhesive yet. I'm also painting little cue sticks this morning. Need to go put my contacts in!

Just a side note. The notebook graph paper I bought has holes in it that are exactly 3/8 inch in diameter. I found that helpful. You might too?
Hope you have fun today. :D

ohhh!! I like it's so nice.....
Я люблю бильярд. Мне нравятся эти маленькие бусины! Удачи в работе!
que bueno!
Great work.
Bye Faby
I would use the toothpicks to fill the hole with by just sanding them a bit thinner if they are too fat, glue a bead on, cut of the sharp point that sticks out, finish it on that side and then lastly cut the bead off the toothpick in a shallow dish so that hopefully not too many of them roll away.
I would try using wood putty or spackel to fill in the holes. Wood putty dries harder, but the spackel is easier to sand. Loking good!
Ah Kathi I like your crazyness!
Thanks! I can use all of the tips I can get. :D I will try your ideas!
Hola Kathy, las bolas de billar lucen magníficas! Y si tapas los hoyos con pasta de secado al aire? incluso pasta de dientes?
Un abrazo
GRACIAS por no tener la palabra de verificación
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